Solidarhaftung Schweizer Bevollmächtigter (CH-REP)

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

CH-REP: Solidarische Haftung des Bevollmächtigten für Medizinprodukte

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   February 2022


Distribution law

Distribution law requires not only outstanding professional expertise but also an in-depth understanding of relevant business issues. Streichenberg is aware of the challenges that arise where the law and business intersect, and offers tailor-made support.


Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Analysenliste: Wie steht es um die Mitbestimmung bei den Labortarifen?

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   November 2020

Verantwortlichkeit (karrastock)AdobeStock_150665523.jpeg


Wer ist verantwortlich?

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   May 2019


Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

The health sector is facing increasingly complex legal and regulatory challenges. Any companies involved in life sciences and healthcare that want to build on their success need comprehensive support.



VITH: Aufgaben und Pflichten der verantwortlichen Person

Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   May 2022

Melanie Käser

Melanie Käser


Claims Management

Loss events often trigger complex issues with diverse interests. It often happens that insurers and the insured person are pulling in the same direction. Streichenberg supports insurers and policyholders in effectively asserting their common interests.


Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Nicht gebührende Vorteile - Aktuelle Praxis von Swissmedic

Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   July 2018


Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Wirtschaftlichkeits- prüfung 2018

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   March 2019

Spitex Organisation Voraussetzungen

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Was braucht es, um eine Spitex-Organisation in mehreren Kantonen aufzubauen?

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   October 2020

Remo Busslinger

Remo Busslinger

Arbeit am Computer

IT legislation and data protection

Digital Transformation in Switzerland 2021

Angelica Dünner-Graf  •   Melanie Käser  •   Matthias Stauffacher  •   January 2022

Rechtsanwältin Melanie Käser

Distribution law

Das Franchisesystem schützen

Melanie Käser  •   February 2019

Anwalt am Telefon

Distribution law

So schützen Sie das Markenimage von Luxusprodukten im Online-Handel

Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   March 2018

Cem Arikan

Cem Arikan, LL.M.

BAG: Von Hadi - Eigenes Werk, CC0,

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

VITH: Behördenpraxis

Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   June 2020

Jürg M. Ammann

Jürg M. Ammann


Criminal law

Criminal cases have serious consequences for the parties concerned. Both the victim and the accused can suffer not only financial losses and severe penalties but also painful reputational damage. Competent support can mitigate this impact on a person’s good name.


Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

MDR: Liability of the Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance (PRRC)

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   August 2021


Dispute resolution and litigation

Bundesgericht heisst Beschwerde gegen Regelung für Apotheker-Notfalldienst gut

Remo Busslinger  •   Maëve Romano  •   September 2021

Rabatte Arzneimittelhandel (simona)AdobeStock_281373876.jpeg

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Rabatte im Arzneimittelhandel

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   March 2019