Melanie Käser
«Game, set and match»
My job is like tennis: ability alone is not enough; you also have to be ambitious and sharp-witted. I can’t just press on with my usual style. Instead, I have to adapt to the situation, grasp a (legal) problem quickly, and respond creatively. What I particularly like about my job as a lawyer is the advisory work, as I can act preventatively, often helping to settle disputes before they reach court.
Working with companies of different sizes and from various sectors gives me an insight into modern corporate and sales structures which never fails to fascinate me. I feel very much at home in franchising, agency and licensing law. I advise such business concepts and their owners on legal and conceptual challenges, also on a global level.
Fair play is important to me not just as a long-time tennis player, but in my professional environment, too. As an attorney-at-law, I consciously look not only for spectacular shots, but also for pragmatic solutions.
Working with companies of different sizes and from various sectors gives me an insight into modern corporate and sales structures which never fails to fascinate me. I feel very much at home in franchising, agency and licensing law. I advise such business concepts and their owners on legal and conceptual challenges, also on a global level.
Fair play is important to me not just as a long-time tennis player, but in my professional environment, too. As an attorney-at-law, I consciously look not only for spectacular shots, but also for pragmatic solutions.
Main Focus
- Distribution law (franchising, agency, licensing, etc.)
- Commercial and corporate law
- National and international contract law
- IT and data protection law
- Employment law (private and regulatory)
- Legal support in spin-off projects of public municipality
- German
- English
Zulassung als Rechtsanwältin
M.A. HSG Law & Economics, Universität St. Gallen
B.A. HSG Law & Economics, Universität St. Gallen
- Since 2024 Lecturer at the University of St. Gallen / Technical University of Munich (TUM), ’Executive MBA in Business & IT’ and ‘CAS HSG Management for IT Executives’
- Since 2020 CEO Swiss Distribution - Franchising, Agency and Licensing Association
- Since 2015 Streichenberg & Partner
- Junior Compliance Officer with a major insurance company
Memberships – Publications – Specialties
Registered at the Zurich Bar Association
Zurich and Swiss Bar Associations.
Zurich Lawyers' Association
AIJA International Association for Young Lawyers
International Distribution Institution - Country Expert Switzerland for Franchising