Industry knowledge meets legal expertise
Streichenberg advises and represents companies and their owners in all areas of commercial law. As your external legal provider, we take comprehensive care of your company's legal needs and develop tailor-made solutions for specific issues. Successful advice requires both impeccable legal tradecraft and profound industry knowledge. Our lawyers therefore focus on different industries as well as specific areas of law and, as a result, are highly specialised.
Finanzdienstleistungen sind essentiell für das Funktionieren einer entwickelten Volkswirtschaft. Deshalb werden Finanzdienstleister auch zunehmend reguliert. Die gesetzlichen und regulatorischen Vorgaben gut zu kennen, reicht für die zielführende Beratung oft nicht aus.
M&A and Corporate Law
Companies face a variety of legal challenges every day. These call for specific expertise and a professional overview, but also collaboration built on trust.
Criminal law
Criminal cases have serious consequences for the parties concerned. Both the victim and the accused can suffer not only financial losses and severe penalties but also painful reputational damage. Competent support can mitigate this impact on a person’s good name.
Tax Law
Taxes accompany us throughout our lives, both in business and personal spheres. Each transaction involves tax elements that, if neglected, can become a significant cost factor. With competent support and consulting, you will not fall into any tax traps.
Competition and Regulatory
Anyone who wants to cooperate profitably with competitors or make the most of their market power must understand the rules of antitrust and competition law and be familiar with industry-specific regulation. This is how compliance becomes a competitive advantage.
Pharmaceuticals and healthcare
The health sector is facing increasingly complex legal and regulatory challenges. Any companies involved in life sciences and healthcare that want to build on their success need comprehensive support.
IT legislation and data protection
The digital revolution has brought numerous new developments to the world of work, from promising business ideas to alternative forms of work through to innovative services. Yet these changes call for competence in dealing with the challenges that have arisen as a result.
Distribution law
Distribution law requires not only outstanding professional expertise but also an in-depth understanding of relevant business issues. Streichenberg is aware of the challenges that arise where the law and business intersect, and offers tailor-made support.
Private Clients
If you want to focus on the important things in life, you need the right specialists who are always on hand with help and advice and who are already thinking about tomorrow, today. A responsible task, especially in the legal field.
Claims Management
Loss events often trigger complex issues with diverse interests. It often happens that insurers and the insured person are pulling in the same direction. Streichenberg supports insurers and policyholders in effectively asserting their common interests.
Dispute resolution and litigation
Conflicts are part of business life. Conditions in business and competition can often be challenging, so occasionally disputes with business partners, customers or competitors cannot be avoided. Even, for example, something as simple as a dispute with a neighbour over the pruning of a fruit tree in the garden can need mediation. Prudent and comprehensive advice is crucial right from the start.
We help you to identify and take into account liability risks as early as in the drafting process of contracts. Once the liability event has occurred, we support you in defending against liability claims and/or enforcing your claims for damages.
From the onboarding process to the termination of an employment relationship, as well as far beyond, various legal issues, conflicts and questions can arise for all parties to an employment relationship. This requires foresight as well as comprehensive advice and guidance.