About us

Streichenberg has been dedicated to assisting companies and private individuals in Switzerland and internationally in legal matters (and especially commercial law) since 1997.



Helpdesk Arbeitsrecht

Bleachingprodukt für die Zähne

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Enlightening innovations in the field of teeth whitening?

Matthias Stauffacher  •   August 2024

Rechtsanwalt Matthias Stauffacher bespricht mit Rechtsanwältin Andrea Waditschatka einen Fall im Sitzungszimmer


Employment relationships of dentists: self-employed or employed?

Andrea Waditschatka  •   June 2024

Besprechung mit Anwalt


Your rights in the event of an accident

Manuel Bader  •   May 2024


Dispute resolution and litigation

Recovery of losses from illegal online casinos in Switzerland

Manuel Bader  •   Nina Patrizia Maute  •   Andrea Waditschatka  •   Aline Widmer  •   March 2023


SME Desk

Streichenberg berät das Aktionariat der Padma AG beim Verkauf an die Galenica Gruppe

Melanie Käser  •   Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Wildhaber  •   January 2023

Cvijeta Teodorovic

Streichenberg offers trainees twelve months of practical preparation for the bar exam. While university courses impart the necessary theoretical knowledge in isolation, the job of an attorney-at-law requires the ability to interlink different fields of law as well as an in-depth understanding of the legal context.

What jobs can you do as a trainee, and what do you learn from them?

From day one trainees are introduced to the work of an attorney-at-law and are allowed to work on cases independently. Every job is very practical and involves not only legal research and writing legal documents, but also taking part in negotiations. From the outset, trainees are expected to assume responsibility, contribute ideas and devise possible solutions for clients. This means a steep learning curve, although there is always someone on hand if support is needed.        

What is the most exciting thing that you've done in the legal field so far? (work, case, work environment, etc.)

I have already been able to take on many exciting tasks. Prior to my traineeship with Streichenberg I worked in the legal department of a multinational company in the construction industry where my main duties included providing corporate legal support for the group. For example, with company start-ups or corporate governance projects, and also in handling supply contracts in German and English. I am now able to leverage this experience at Streichenberg.  

What is important to you for your career?

I am always looking for a challenge and am keen to develop and learn new things. What I consider just as important is a work environment that challenges and encourages me and where I can thrive as a person. I have found this at Streichenberg.   

What expects substitutes at Streichenberg?

For this reason, trainees at Streichenberg are not assigned to just one partner; instead, they can get involved in all areas and are actively encouraged and guided. This gives them a broad insight into the different fields and activities. They have contact with clients and authorities, learn what is needed for a court brief, and how to compose a successful legal document. This requires a desire to learn, flexibility, and absolute reliability..

Rechtsanwalt Dr. Oliver Kaufmann

I like to immerse myself in a subject. A customised solution requires detailed knowledge and precision. When I argue before the Federal Court, it is particularly important to have a firm grasp of the legal issues and to stay focused in both language and argument. I have a keen sense for subtleties and can make use of the finer details as leverage for my clients.

As an attorney-at-law, it is equally important that I can formulate complex issues in a way that is easy to understand. I require industry knowledge and business acumen, but also the correct words and the right tone to convey the chosen strategy to the client or to convince the judge.

I am driven by passionate curiosity. Whether it is about how laboratory equipment works, about an historical event, or about how to take care of my kitchen knives, I always want to learn more. I have the same specialist approach to competition and anti-trust law: by truly understanding things in detail, I can often find the crucial elements.


Dr. iur., University Zurich
Admission to the bar (Canton of Zurich)
lic. iur., University Zurich


Partner at Streichenberg
Partner in a boutique law firm specialising in antitrust law
Lawyer in a large law firm in Zurich
Lawyer at Streichenberg
Research Assistant Secretariat Competition Commission

Memberships – Publications – Specialties

  • Registered at the Zurich Bar Association

  • Member of the Zurich and Swiss Bar Associations

  • Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht e.V.

  • International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA)

  • Europe Institute at the University of Zurich (EIZ)

  • Co-Founder and Manager of "Debating Competition", a series of events for young talents and professionals in the area of competition and antitrust law and antitrust economics.

  • Various publications on the subject of competition and antitrust law

Spiegelung Kunstbild Reception

Distribution law

Sind Dienstleistungs-Konzepte geeignet für Franchising?

Melanie Käser  •   January 2021

Fracht Flughafen

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

New Medical Device Regulation: Is this now the end for parallel imports?

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   March 2021

Jürg M. Ammann

Difficulties often lie somewhere completely different to where my clients initially suspect they are. That’s why openness is so important. By asking targeted questions I can gain an accurate grasp of the problem and the relevant legal context. Then it’s usually just a small step to all possible solutions.

Every case is different and deserves my undivided attention. It gives me pleasure to analyse the different factual and legal elements and to bring about a lasting solution for my clients – mostly SMEs and family offices. While the goal might be reached in some cases just with advisory support, other cases require my full support in court.

As varied as the legal profession is, what I really appreciate about my job is the freedom to organise myself and to pursue other interests outside of work as well. Regardless of whether it’s my foundation mandates, or my love of art and horses – everything I do, I do with passion.

Main Focus

  • Private clients
  • Foundations and trusts
  • Succession planning and inheritance
  • Commercial law and contracts
  • Corporate law
  • Liability
  • Tenant and landlord
  • Employment
  • Litigation and Arbitration
  • Debt enforcement


  • German
  • English
  • French


University of Amsterdam, LL.M.
University of Berne, Attorney at law
Admitted to the bar
Licensed administrator of real estate


  • Law clerk with a district court
  • Associate with two law firms in Zurich
  • Owner of a law firm in Berne

Memberships – Publications – Specialties

  • Registered at the Zurich Bar Association

  • Member of the Swiss, Zurich Associations

  • Member of the International Bar Associations (IBA)


Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Medical devices: Swiss authorized representatives after the New Medical Device Regulation - What needs to be considered?

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   April 2021

Reception Streichenberg mit Rechtsanwalt Manuel Bader

SME Desk

Uncomplicated point of contact

Companies face a variety of legal challenges every day. These call for specific expertise and a professional overview, but also collaboration built on trust.

Focus Areas

Where is the easiest place for companies, board members or managing directors to turn to when dealing with legal uncertainties or problems? A wide range of topics, from company start-ups to process optimisations and disputes through to succession or liquidation, call for very different legal expertise. With our SME legal department, Streichenberg offers a single point of contact for numerous problems.

From idea to functioning business model

With the planning and realisation of new business ideas, but also with the optimisation or restructuring of an existing business, it is important to keep legal aspects in mind. That is why we not only draw up suitable contracts with employees, suppliers, investors, shareholders and landlords, but also offer comprehensive advice. Our goal is to identify risks early and to enable you to deal with them optimally.

Growth and change

How can an expansion be financed, and how can you protect yourself as an investor? Streichenberg will support you with questions relating to such matters as loans, leasing, economic development, tax relief, crowdfunding and bonds. We will guide you safely to your goal with legally compliant and comprehensible contracts. If you are buying or selling a company, our well-established M&A team will also be on hand with proven transaction experience.

On track with company succession

A change of owner is a critical moment in a company’s history. Company transfers and acquisitions should therefore be planned well and with foresight. Regardless of whether it is the management, your own children or a third party taking over, together we will find the right way to lead your company into a successful future.

Resolving problems and conflict

Damages, conflict and annoyance require a different approach, depending on the situation. Problems can often be avoided from the outset with the right strategy and good contractual arrangements. If arguments do arise, reaching an agreement through mediation or an alternative dispute settlement approach can significantly reduce the legal costs. With disputes, we are accustomed to achieving out-of-court resolutions, though we will also represent your company in court. In any case, Streichenberg will help you to assert your claims or to mount a defence against claims from third parties.

Compliance and risk management as an asset

In a wide range of industries, companies are operating in an increasingly heavily regulated environment. A licence or at least self-regulation is often required, with corresponding processes and documentation. For SMEs too, it is becoming more and more important to identify, assess and manage risks as well as to ensure compliance with all applicable rules by an appropriate organisation. We will advise you on the preparation of the necessary policies and support you during implementation. This will secure and increase the value of your company, in the short and long term.

Integrität und Transparenz (choknit) AdobeStock_405702810.jpeg

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Integritäts- und Transparenzverordnung

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   May 2022


Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Analysenliste: Wie steht es um die Mitbestimmung bei den Labortarifen?

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   November 2020

Spitex Organisation Voraussetzungen

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Was braucht es, um eine Spitex-Organisation in mehreren Kantonen aufzubauen?

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   October 2020

Rabatte Arzneimittelhandel (simona)AdobeStock_281373876.jpeg

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Rabatte im Arzneimittelhandel

Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   March 2019


Dispute resolution and litigation

Bundesgericht heisst Revisionsgesuch gut, fällt Leitentscheid

Remo Busslinger  •   Maëve Romano  •   April 2021

Besprechung Anwalt und Assistentin in Büro


From A as in agreement to Z as in zoom-meeting

From the onboarding process to the termination of an employment relationship, as well as far beyond, various legal issues, conflicts and questions can arise for all parties to an employment relationship. This requires foresight as well as comprehensive advice and guidance.

Focus Areas

Like many other areas of law, employment law is highly exposed to current world events as well as constantly changing social topics and is developing rapidly. We offer our clients competent, comprehensive advice and support in all day-to-day and new challenges of employment law and provide customized solutions.

Contract drafting

The employment relationship gives rise to innumerable rights and obligations for both parties. The foresighted drafting of an employment contract can make a substantial contribution to avoiding future conflicts. We support you in negotiating and drafting contracts, including accompanying documents such as expense regulations, employee handbook or whistleblowing guidelines. In addition, we advise you on all aspects of compensation.

Smooth daily business

We are also familiar with the daily challenges for employers and employees, be it in relation to the pandemic with home office and short-time work, the regulatory requirements of public employment law or the rules of the Gender Equality Act. We analyse and optimise your processes in onboarding as well as in offboarding and thus help you to identify potential conflicts and to avoid or amicably resolve them through a proactive approach.


An employment relationship can be terminated unilaterally by one party or the parties can mutually agree on termination. Both situations involve certain risks and mandatory provisions of the Code of Obligations must be observed. We are happy to support you, drafting and reviewing notices of termination, termination agreements or reference letters and also advising you on communication matters. Unfortunately, court proceedings cannot always be avoided. In this case we represent you with commitment and competence.

Non-competition and non-solicitation undertakings

Post-contractual non-competition and non-solicitation clauses in employment contracts regularly provide a target for conflicts and even lengthy court proceedings. The courts have a wide scope of discretion in its assessment. Therefore, there are various court decisions that must be taken into account. We provide you with advice and support, are always up to date and represent you in court.

Restructuring and optimization

Many processes in business life directly affect the employees of companies: Legal entities are sold or merged and there are corresponding employee transfers or mass redundancies. New customer relationships are to be established or processes optimized, which can be achieved with personnel leasing or outsourcing, for example. Perhaps you want to recruit employees from abroad or establish a new company or branch in Switzerland and hire employees. We support and accompany you in these processes and obtain the necessary permits.



VITH: Aufgaben und Pflichten der verantwortlichen Person

Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   Matthias Stauffacher  •   Dr. Christoph Willi, LL.M.  •   May 2022

Anwalt am Telefon

Distribution law

So schützen Sie das Markenimage von Luxusprodukten im Online-Handel

Dr. Oliver Kaufmann  •   March 2018