About us
Streichenberg has been dedicated to assisting companies and private individuals in Switzerland and internationally in legal matters (and especially commercial law) since 1997.

Criminal law
Road traffic law - Driving license revocation and criminal proceedings

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare
Health professions license - who is affected?

Mass dismissals - operational necessity with legal pitfalls

Verhaltenspflichten nach FIDLEG – Neues FINMA-Rundschreiben 2025/2

One year in our new 6th floor – a look back

How will employment law regulation change in 2025?
Finanzdienstleistungen sind essentiell für das Funktionieren einer entwickelten Volkswirtschaft. Deshalb werden Finanzdienstleister auch zunehmend reguliert. Die gesetzlichen und regulatorischen Vorgaben gut zu kennen, reicht für die zielführende Beratung oft nicht aus. Über 25 Jahre Erfahrung in der Begleitung der Rechtsetzung als Interessenvertreter und entsprechende lange Tätigkeit als Regulierer stellen sicher, dass Finanzdienstleister beim Aufbau und der Führung ihrer Unternehmen das nötige Rüstzeug und Know How erhalten.

Margaux Bülhoff

Bonus: When is it owed?

Private Clients
The Advance Care Directive - do I need to instruct someone to take responsibility for my personal care?

Pharmaceuticals and healthcare
Enlightening innovations in the field of teeth whitening?

Robin Gloor

Liability, Damage and Insurance

Survivors' benefits from the pension fund for partners living separately

Employment relationships of dentists: self-employed or employed?
Tax Law
Taxes accompany us throughout our lives, both in business and personal spheres. Each transaction involves tax elements that, if neglected, can become a significant cost factor. With competent support and consulting, you will not fall into any tax traps.

Your rights in the event of an accident
Claims Management
Loss events often trigger complex issues with diverse interests. It often happens that insurers and the insured person are pulling in the same direction. Streichenberg supports insurers and policyholders in effectively asserting their common interests.

Private Clients
Beglaubigung von Dokumenten mit Apostille oder Legalisation in der Schweiz

Helpdesk Arbeitsrecht: Newsletter

Helpdesk Arbeitsrecht
